
Shropshire Residence
Works #1055 0 - Realized
Architectural Design / Houses/Villas
+ More on Shropshire Residence
Works #1055 0 - Realized
Architectural Design / Houses/Villas
+ More on Shropshire Residence
Request “Gregory Phillips Architects” as Master Architect for Your Project
With inap2 coordinating Your Project with This Architect (Master Architect) and a design firm from Thailand as Local Architect.
inap2 Architect Member:
Expert Local Architect Selection
inap2 utilizes our Alliances to propose Local Architects for region-specific compliance, with a Master Architect as Design Supervisor.
International Project Contracts
inap2 offers expert contract preparation for international design projects, ensuring structured agreements for smoother cross-border management.
Seamless Communications
inap2 Local Architect will lead communication with Master Architect, ensuring consistent updates for you in the same time zone and language.
inap2 will understand your project overview and provide solutions to the Master Architect, striving to acquire their commitment to lead your project.
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